In 2016, Emily graduated from SIU Carbondale School of Law and began her career with Land of Lincoln in our Central Regional Office (East St. Louis), but relocated to the Western Regional Office (Alton) to be closer to family.

Emily works to assist clients in obtaining protective orders, divorces, and other family law cases. She is the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Coordinator for Land of Lincoln and facilitates assistance for domestic violence survivors with Land of Lincoln Family Law attorneys across all five regional offices.

Emily and her husband are the proud “parents” of two rambunctious fur babies who keep them busy at home.

Briefly describe what you do at Land of Lincoln.
I provide representation for victims of domestic violence in family law cases including divorces, other family matters, and protective orders. As the VOCA Coordinator, I meet with all VOCA staff on a quarterly basis to assist in compliance with our grant.

What is the best thing about your job?
Other than assisting domestic violence victims, I would have to say the extremely supportive and familial atmosphere across all five regional offices.

What has been one of your proudest moments working at Land of Lincoln?
My proudest moment was when I won an Order of Protection case against a high-profile attorney.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
I like to sew, read, watch movies, and play with my puppies, Niko and Luna. Currently, I am working on a t-shirt quilt for my mother for Mother’s Day.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
Even though I LOVE to talk, I am quite the hermit and like spending most of my free time at home.

What do you wish other people knew about Land of Lincoln?
That we honestly want to help people and take as many cases as we possibly can. Even if we aren’t able to represent someone for their case, we try to provide advice, assistance with preparation of documents, and information about public benefits to the majority of people that contact us.